Clinical Nutrition

Nutrition is not just about sustenance; it’s medicne for your body and mind.  It can either heal you or it can hinder you.



Our goal in providing nutritional education and counseling  is to empower you with the knowledge and guidance needed to achive optimal health and wellness through personalized nutrition strategies.


 What we offer

  • Nutritional Assessment – we conduct a thorough assessment to understand your currnet nutritional status, lifestyle habits, and health goals.
  • Personalized Recommendations and Dietary Plan – based on your assessment, we create a personalized plan taking into account your dietary restrictions, allergies, sensitivities or preferences you may have.
  • Education and Counseling – designed to educate and empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to make healthy food choices and maintain a blaance lifestyle.
  • Chronic Condition Management – We specialize in managing chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, and more, using nutrition as a primary tool for prevention and management.
  • Acute Condition Support – we provide support and guidance for acute conditions such as digestive issues, allergies, and inflammatory conditions.


We take a comprehensive approach to nutrition, considering not just what you eat but also how it affects your entire well-being.  We are dedicated to helping you achieve your health goals, that is why we offer personalized counseling sessions tailored to your specific needs and goals. Our recommendations are based on the latest scientific research and evidence-based practices in nutrition and wellness.


The Body has the potential to fully repair itself, when given the right nutrients.


Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.  Schedule a consultation with our office and embark on your journey to optima health and wellness.


Your health is your most valuable asset.  Invest in it with a Clinical Nutritionist and Counselor.


Why is Nutrition Therapy Right for You…

Working with a nutritionist can be transformative for managing acute and chronci conditions.


Expert Guidance Tailored to You – A nutritionist brings specialized knowledge to the table, helping you navigate the complex world of food and its impact on health.  They assess your unique needs, considering factors like medical history, lifestyle, and dietary preferences to craft a personalized plan.  This customized approach ensures that you receive targeted support that addresses your specific acute or chronci conditions.


Optimizing Nutrition for Healing – Proper nutrition is fundamental for healing and managing conditions effectively.  A nutritionist can identify nutritional deficiencies or imbalances that may be exacerbating your health issues.  By optimizing your diet with nutrient-dense foods and supplements as needed, they support your body’s healing processes, enhancing recovery and overall well-being.


Lifestyle Integration – Beyond just meal planning, a nutritionist helps you integrate healthy eating habits into your lifestyle seamlessly.  They provide practical strategies for grocery shopping, meal preparation, and dining out, empowering you to make informed choices even in challenging situations.  The holistic approach fosters long-term success in managing acute flare-ups or chronic conditions.


Empowering Education – Working with a nutritionist is an educational journey.  They educate about the role of different nutrients, how they interact with our body, and the science behind dietary recommendations.  This knowledge empowers you to take control of your health, make informed decisions, and sustain postive changes for ongoing management of your conditions.


Collaborative Support – Nutritionist often collaborate with other healthcare professionals, creating a comprehensive support network for managing your health.  They can coordinate with other practitioners to ensure cohesive appraoch to your care.  This collaboration maximizes the effectiveness of interventions, leading to better outcomes and improved quality of life.

Nutrition Programs

Wellness Test Kit


Not sure if you are ready to get started on your journey to better health, but are curious about the status of your body chemistry?  If so, then try our Wellness Care Kit.

Our Wellness Care Kit is a DIY wellness kit equipped with everything you need to evaluate your Biological Terraine in the comfort of your home.

Kit Includes: urinalysis cup, 1 pair of gloves, droppers, Adrenal Urine Test, Free Radical Kit, Heavy metal kit, pH strips, 10-P urine strip, Intake Form, System Survey, Informed consent, measuring tape, zinc solution, baking soda, stress questionnaire, toxicity questionnaire, yeast questionnaire, instruction and results sheet and consultation.  $195


Call the office to purchase 832-422-7271


Microbiome Test Kit


Can help you get insight into the health of your gut.  The intestinal microbiome plays a role in common health conditions.  This has led to a growing interest in personalized microbiome analysis among clients.  If you struggle with digestive issues, anxiety/depression, allergies and such, this is a good starting point.

Call the office to get your kit 832-422-7271

Wholesome Nutrition

Follow-up visits are opportunities to re-assess for regression or progression, make adjustments to care plan, provide education, and address any new concerns. (reg. $100)


4 – Follow-up Visits

1 – Ionic Foot Detox Bath

Nutrition education and counseling, nutritional recommendations, discounts on supplements and products.


Follow-up visits are opportunities to re-assess for regression or progression, make adjustments to care plan, provide education, and address any new concerns. (reg. $100)


8 – Follow-up Visits (30 mins)

2 – Ionic Foot Detox Baths

Nutrition education and counseling, nutritional recommendations, email correspondence durin program, discounts on supplements and products.

Nourish & Flourish

Follow-up visits are opportunities to re-assess for regression or progression, make adjustments to care plan, provide education, and address any new concerns. (reg. $100)


12- Follow-up Visits (30 mins)

3- Ionic Foot Detox Bath

Evaluation of supplements, nutrition, and lifestyle recommendations based on need and health concern.

Sugar Control Nutrition Program

This program is ideal for anyone who have been recently diagnosed with pre-diabetes or diabetes, or have been struggling to control their sugar for a long time without success while on medications.  Our focus is nutrition and lifestyle changes.  You would be surprised how much better you will feel when doing the right things for our body.


1 – Initial Assessment (60 mins)

Bi-Weekly Follow-up Visits (30 mins)

In-House Therapies

Nutrition education and counseling, nutritional recommendations, discounts on supplements and products.

Cholesterol Nutrition Program

This program is ideal for anyone who has been struggling to control their cholesterol level with medication, or have tried nutrition but need the proper guidance.  Our focus is nutrition and lifestyle changes to elicit long-term results.


1 – Initial Assessment (60 mins)

Bi-Weekly Follow-up Visits (30 mins)

In-House Therapies

Nutrition education and counseling, nutritional recommendations, discounts on supplements and products.

Hypertension Nutrition Program

This program is ideal for anyone who is truggling to control their blood pressure.  If you have been struggling with high blood pressure, you should know that if not properly managed, this can lead to other serious health conditions that may alter not only the quality of your life but the quantity as well.  Our focus is nutrition and lifestyle changes to teach you how to properly manage it long-term.


1- Initial Assessment (60 mins)

Bi-Weekly Follow-up Visits (30 mins)

In-House Therapies

Nutrition education and counseling, nutritional recommendations, discounts on supplements and products.