Clinical Thermography


Your Thermography Orientation.

If you are not familiar witht his type of screening, please take a few minutes to watch.


Thermography is a totally non-invasive functional health screening procedure that is pain-free, radiation-free, compression-free and touch-free.

Thermography is a medically calibrated, FDA registered camera with highly accurate heat sensors able to differentiate your body’s temperature, which may be indicative of dysfunctions.

Normally, our body’s temperature is symmetrical.  However, abnormalities, injuries, pains and abnormal pathology changes the temperature of the surrounding tissue. These differences are clearly visible through Thermography.

Thermography is the only technology that can “visualize” pain, inflammation, infection, and other issues, even before symptoms manifest.


Why Haven’t I Heard of Thermography?

In 1982, the FDA approved thermography (also known as Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging) as a supplementary breast screening tool.  But over 34 years later, we hear very little about thermography and its benefits.



A Few Benefits of Thermography:

  • Safe, easy, and pain free
  • No radiation exposure – FDA registered
  • No compression of breast tissue
  • Detects changes in breast tissue from the smallest of tumors
  • Provides ideas of inflammatory breast cancer (IBC)
  • Entire breast can be imaged
  • Identifies fibrocystic breast disease or tumor inflammation
  • Effectively and safely screens breast with implants
  • Useful for evaluating chest wall after breast surgery
  • Effective for breast of all sizes
  • Creates an opportunity for early intervention
  • Able to differentiate between dense breast tissue, fibrocystic disease, and other abnormalities


Let’s Look at Some Facts

  • In 1982, the FDA approved breast thermography as an adjunctive breast screening procedure
  • Today, thermography has been shown to detect abnormalities years ahead of mammograms
  • Second to skin cancer, more women are diagnosed with breast cancer than all other cancers.
  • Over 30 years of research comprised of over 800 peer-review studies in the index-medicus
  • Breast thermography has an average sensitivity and specificity of 90%
  • Only 25% of all cases of breast cancers occur in women with family history
  • An abnormal thermography is 10 times more significant as a future risk indicator for breast cancer than a first order family history of disease
  • It was estimated in 2012 that 207,090 new cases of invasive breast cancer were diagnosed among women.
  • A persistent abnormal thermogram carries with it a 22x higher risk of future breast cancer.
  • Research has shown that breast thermography significantly augments the long-term survival rates of its recipients by as much as 61%.



Thermography Can Detect:

Breast Issues​
(fibrocystic conditions, mastitis, & lymph congestion for example) ​​​

Artery Conditions​
(stroke potential or inflammation, for example) ​​​

Vein Conditions​
(deep vein thrombosis, for example) ​​

Gut Health, Gallbladder Issues, Diaphragm Restriction
(liver, pancreas, gall bladder, ascending/descending colon, kidneys, for example)

Pre-Diabetic Screening​ 

Dental/Periodontal Issues
(even before your dentist can detect)

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Immune Deficiency​

Inflammatory Pain​

Carpal Tunnel​


Sports Injuries
…and much more!

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Our 8 Point Process

1 – Schedule Your Scan

Schedule your scan online (breast, women’s wellness, full body or region of interest).  Images based on the type of scan may be between 4 images to up to 40.  Once you are schedule you will receive a confirmation email with your Welcome Packet and your Intake Form based on scan you have requested.

2 – Images are Taken

Once images are taken, the office will review the images with you and provide you with a Breast Prevention Booklet – filled with valuable holistic options to prevention.

3 – Follow-Up

Follow-up appointment for either the 3 month baseline or the annual scan is scheduled.  You will receive automated reminders, so it is important that you check you email regularly.

4 – Interpretation of Images

Images are then sent to our group of Medical Doctors for evaluation and the creation of the report.  All of our Doctors are Board Certified and have extensive training as Clinical Thermologist through the American College of Clinical Thermology

5 – Receive Your Report

Your report will be emailed to you within 2 business days, following privacy laws.  Rarely does it take more than two days, but keep in mind this is the average time.

6 – Review Report

A follow up appointment may be schedule for the review of the final report and our Naturopath may recommend actions needed to be taken based on the report.  This is optional, but highly recommended.  This is a paid service billed at $50/15-min.  The consultation is to be paid at time of service.  This consult may be done in person on via phone.

7 – Healthy Breast Program

Be proactive by being part of the “Healthy Breast” program.  What this means is that you will receive a series of educational emails loaded with information on breast health, hormone balancing, self-care, stress management, elimination of inflammation, food, recipes, supplements and much more.  This program’s purpose is to give you challenges designed to improve your health for long-term results.

8 – Share

We hope that we provided you with such an invaluable service that you are more than happy to share with your friends and family.  Pass on the Gift of Health.

Type of Screenings Offered & Pricing

Women Screening

  • Breast Screening – $225
  • Women’s Wellness Screening – $370
  • Full Body Screening – $510
  • Region of Interest – $200
  • 3 month Follow Up – $225
  • Baseline Breast Pack – $685  (value $765)
    Includes: 1st & 2nd Breast Screening, Breast Risk Assessment, Breast Health Consultation (1hr), Non-Invasive Assessment, 2 BioMat Detox Sessions, 1 Ionic Foot Detox Bath, Prevention Education & Booklet, Toxicity Assessment, 10-Day Mini eCourse, Scarf, and 1 supplement
  • Comprehensive Breast Package – $1250 (value $1350)
    Includes: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Breast Screening, Breast Risk Assessment, Breast Health Consultation (2hrs), Non-Invasive Assessment, 4 BioMat Detox Sessions, 3 Ionic Foot Detox Bath, Prevention Education & Booklet, Toxicity Assessment, 10-Day Mini eCourse, Scarf, and 3 supplements

Men Screening

  • Men’s Wellness Screening – $510
  • Men’s Half Body Screening – $370
  • Injury Assessment/Region of Interest – $200

Sports Medicine

For the assessment of physiological changes that occurring during performance of athletic activities, which may be limited with conventional radiological images.

Children – $190 (Referral needed)

Adults – $200

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Our Camera

Meditherm 2000™ – The only DITI System specifically designed for medical application.

Meditherm designed a camera that is specific for clinica use, unlike industrial type cameras.  The med2000™ offers accurate measurements with comparable temperature and spatial resolution.  It is simpler, easier-to-use, more durable, and has longer camera calibration intervals. And it delivers the accuracy of the much more expensive systems.

The med2000™ has two parts, the IR camera and a standard PC or laptop computer, making the system very portable. The system has been designed with ease of use in mind

The med2000’s high-resolution display (84,000+ individual temperature readings per thermogram) offers a choice of six palettes in full colour, isotherm or gray scale.  And image manipulation includes isothermal temperature mapping and point-by-point temperature measurement with a cursor or statistical region of interest.   The system can measure temperatures ranging from 10° C – 55° C to an accuracy of 0.01° C.  Focus adjustment covers small areas down to 75 x 75mm.  Enhanced Software combines the power of the P.C. with the medical capabilities of the med2000.  The med2000™ does more than simply scan and record thermal images.  Because the system is PC based, tens of thousands of images can be stored and retrieved for later analysis.  The ability to statistically analyse the thermograms at a later date is very important in clinical work.

Results are available electronically, which is convenient for patients , referring doctors or other healthcare professionals.  Thermograms produced by the med2000™ are stored as TIFF images, thus permitting access and manipulation with a wide range of off-the-shelf application software.  In addition, the thermal imaging software included with the med2000™ not only controls the operation of the IR camera but also provides features including…

  • Colour scale control
  • Base temperature control
  • Display spot temperature
  • Statistical data for a user defined area
  • Temperature profiles
  • Image magnification
  • Colourmap selection

Because we use PC based software, the system can hold vast amounts of data on thousands of patients.

The medical applications of DITI are extensive, particularly in the fields of Rheumatology, Neurology, Oncology, Physiotherapy and sports medicine.

Meditherm FDA Manufacture: License #, Facility Registration, Medical Device Classification # 3006111110  can be checked here.

Meditherm FDA – Claims: Service Providers Marketing 510(K) Premarket Notification # K003332 can be checked here.


Mediterm offers the only thermography cameras designed to medical application and are FDA registered compared to other equipment geared for commercial use.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Thermography

Thermography is a non-invasive, no touch or radiation screening using infrared heat seeking technology developed originally by the military. It is invaluable to detect breast abnormalities years ahead of other screening methods. At BRAS, we focus on prevention and early detection to be proactive in our breast health instead of reactive. A team of medical doctors that have been specially trained in this field will read the screening and write a report for the client.

How is it different than a mammogram?

Mammograms use radiation and pressure to detect and find lumps in women. Thermography looks for physiological changes in your body that are signs of disease or dysfunction.  Together there is about a 93% success rate of detection of problem areas. This is a huge considering mammograms alone only offer only a 40% to 50% detection rate.

Should a woman do this in place of a mammogram?

No, the thermogram is for early detection and mammograms allow for pinpointing the exact location needed for a possible biopsy. Together they offer the best protection possible.

Does it hurt?

No, this is a no touch process so there is no pain as is associated with a mammogram.

What are the doctors saying about thermography?

Susan Lark, MD, a distinguished author and leading expert in women’s health, says, “Every woman should include breast thermography as part of their regular breast heath care. I have recommended the use of this technology extensively over the years in my newsletter. Thermography has the unique ability to “map” the individual thermal fingerprint of a woman’s breasts. Any change in this map over the course of months and years can signal an early indication of possible tumors or other abnormalities. In fact, studies have shown that an abnormal infrared image is the single most important indicator of high risk for developing breast cancer.” This is just one of many Medical Experts in Women’s health who are beginning to recommend thermography.

How long does it take?

It usually takes about 15 to 30 minutes depending on the type of screening and then we do have additional educational materials we like to go over with our clients to help them be more proactive in their breast health.

Do you have to do anything special to be prepared to take the screening?

We just ask that when you shower before you come and do not use oils, lotions or deodorants before the screening.

What happens if it shows something bad?

A report is generated that is sent to the client. The client can then share their report with their physician. The physician can then speak with the physician who did the interpretation and set up a course of treatment.

You said there is an education aspect to BRAS Thermography & Wellness, what is this about?

Education is one of the key components to BRAS Thermography & Wellness. Many women do not know there are several ways to be more proactive in their breast health. We love to show how even some simple things can really make a difference.

Do you do this once a year like a mammogram?

Yes, we do an initial baseline screening and then a comparative one in three months. Then it is once a year unless otherwise recommended by the physician.

Is it covered by insurance?

That is a great question. We have three CPT codes that can be used to look for insurance coverage. There are certainly insurance companies that do cover this and many who do not. If a company has a wellness program, or is self-insured, thermography is usually covered. Health Savings Accounts and Cafeteria Plans also can be used to cover this.  One, last thing, most women do not mind to pay for the cost of this screening just for the piece of mind and the no pressure, no radiation aspect of a thermogram.

Can you provide this service at my doctor's office?

Yes, they just need to call us and schedule a time for us to go visit their office and we will give them all of the information necessary to get started.  Its a simple process.

Case Studies


Altchek EM; Medical thermography and its use in posttraumatic cephalagia. (Int J Neurosci, 1990 Sep)

Baglin TP; Bone marrow hypervascularity in patients with myelofibrosis identified by infra-red thermography. (Clin Lab Haematol, 1991)

Ben-Eliyahu DJ; Infrared thermographic imaging in the detection of sympathetic dysfunction in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome [published erratum appears in J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1992 Jul-Aug;15(6):preceding table of contents] (J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 1992 Mar-Apr)

Birdi N; Childhood linear scleroderma: a possible role of thermography for evaluation. (J Rheumatol, 1992 Jun)

Bruehl S; Validation of thermography in the diagnosis of reflex sympathetic dystrophy. (Clin J Pain, 1996 Dec)

Canavan D; Electronic thermography for the assessment of mild and moderate temporomandibular joint dysfunction. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 1995 Jun)

Chan EK; Visualization of dynamic subcutaneous vasomotor response by computer-assisted thermography. (IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 1990 Aug)

Chan FH; Generation of three-dimensional medical thermograms. (Biomed Mater Eng, 1996)

Chan FH; Thyroid diagnosis by thermogram sequence analysis. (Biomed Mater Eng, 1995)

Cole RP; Thermographic assessment of hand burns. (Burns, 1990 Feb)

Cooke ED; Reflex sympathetic dystrophy and repetitive strain injury: temperature and microcirculatory changes following mild cold stress. (J R Soc Med, 1993 Dec)

Dalla Volta G; The disappearance of the “cold patch” in recovered migraine patients: thermographic findings (Headache, 1991 May)

Darton K; The use of infra-red thermography in a rheumatology unit (Br J Rheumatol, 1990 Aug)

Devulder J; Epidural spinal cord stimulation does not improve microvascular blood flow in neuropathic pain. (Angiology, 1996 Dec)

Devulder J; Infra-red thermographic evaluation of spinal cord electrostimulation in patients with chronic pain after failed back surgery. (Br J Neurosurg, 1996 Aug)

Diakow PR; Differentiation of active and latent trigger points by thermography. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 1992 Sep)

Emery RW; Revascularization using angioplasty and minimally invasive techniques documented by thermal imaging. (Ann Thorac Surg, 1996 Aug)

Feldman F; Thermography of the hand and wrist: practical applications. (Hand Clin, 1991 Feb)

Friedman MS; The use of thermography in sympathetically maintained pain. (Iowa Orthop J, 1994)

Garagiola U; Telethermography and Raynaud’s phenomenon. (J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 1991 Mar)

Garagiola U; Use of telethermography in the management of sports injuries. (Sports Med, 1990 Oct)

Geatti O; A comparison of scintigraphy, thermography, ultrasound and phlebography in grading of clinical varicocele. (J Nucl Med, 1991 Nov)

Graff-Radford SB; Thermographic assessment of neuropathic facial pain. (J Orofac Pain, 1995 Spring)

Gratt BM; Electronic thermography in the assessment of internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint. A pilot study. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol, 1991 Mar)

Gratt BM; Future applications of electronic thermography. (J Am Dent Assoc, 1991 May)

Gratt BM; Thermographic assessment of craniomandibular disorders: diagnostic interpretation versus temperature measurement analysis. (J Orofac Pain, 1994 Summer)

Gratt BM; Thermographic characterization of osteoarthrosis of the temporomandibular joint. (J Orofac Pain, 1993 Fall)

Gratt BM; Thermographic characterization of the asymptomatic temporomandibular joint. (J Orofacial Pain, 1993 Winter)

Greenstein D; Assessment of chemical lumbar sympathectomy in critical limb ischaemia using thermal imaging. (Int J Clin Monit Comput, 1994 Feb)

Gross EJ; Experimental assessment of phased-array heating of neck tumours. (Int J Hyperthermia, 1990 Mar-Apr)

Harper CM Jr; Utility of thermography in the diagnosis of lumbosacral radiculopathy (Neurology, 1991 Jul)

Hauer JL; Hand skin blood flow in diabetic patients with autonomic neuropathy and microangiopathy. (Diabetes Care, 1991 Oct)

Head JF; Breast thermography is a noninvasive prognostic procedure that predicts tumor growth rate in breast cancer patients. (Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1993 Nov 30)

Herrick A; Abnormal thermoregulatory responses in patients with reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome. (J Rheumatol, 1994 Jul)

Heywang-Köbrunner SH; Nonmammographic breast imaging techniques. (Curr Opin Radiol, 1992 Oct)

Hsieh JC; Clinical application of infrared thermography in diagnosis and therapeutic assessment of vascular ischemic pain [published erratum appears in Ma Tsui Hsueh Tsa Chi 1991 Mar;29(1):567] (Ma Tsui Hsueh Tsa Chi, 1990 Dec)

Hunold S; Thermographic studies on patterns of skin temperature after exercise. (Eur J Appl Physiol, 1992)

Itoh Y; Use of recovery-enhanced thermography to localize cutaneous perforators. (Ann Plast Surg, 1995 May)

Iwata G; Thermography in a child with varicocele. (Eur J Pediatr Surg, 1992 Oct)

Janssens LA; Trigger point therapy. (Probl Vet Med, 1992 Mar)

Jeracitano D; Abnormal temperature control suggesting sympathetic dysfunction in the shoulder skin of patients with frozen shoulder. (Br J Rheumatol, 1992 Aug)

Karstetter KW; Use of thermography for initial detection of early reflex sympathetic dystrophy. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc, 1991 Apr)

Katoh K; Use of prostaglandin E1 (lipo-PGE1) to treat Raynaud’s phenomenon associated with connective tissue disease: thermographic and subjective assessment. (J Pharm Pharmacol, 1992 May)

Kruse RA Jr; Thermographic imaging of myofascial trigger points: a follow-up study. (Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 1992 Sep)

Kyle V; Rarity of synovitis in polymyalgia rheumatica (Ann Rheum Dis, 1990 Mar)

Lawson W; Infrared thermography in the detection and management of coronary artery disease. (Am J Cardiol, 1993 Oct 15)

Leclaire R; Diagnostic accuracy of technologies used in low back pain assessment. Thermography, triaxial dynamometry, spinoscopy, and clinical examination. (Spine, 1996 Jun 1)

Liddington MI; Timing of the thermographic assessment of burns. (Burns, 1996 Feb)

MacDonald AG; Microwave thermography as a noninvasive assessment of disease activity in inflammatory arthritis. (Clin Rheumatol, 1994 Dec)

Magerl W; Asymmetry and time-course of cutaneous sympathetic reflex responses following sustained excitation of chemosensitive nociceptors in humans. (J Auton Nerv Syst, 1996 Feb 5)

Mannara G; Ethyl alcohol induced skin temperature changes evaluated by thermography. Preliminary results. (Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper, 1993 Oct)

Matsumura H; Haemodynamic changes in early phase reflex sympathetic dystrophy. (Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg, 1996 Jun)

McBeth SB; Thermographic assessment of temporomandibular disorders symptomology during orthodontic treatment. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 1996 May)

McCulloch J; Thermography as a diagnostic aid in sciatica. (J Spinal Disord, 1993 Oct)

McKinna JA; The early diagnosis of breast cancer–a twenty-year experience at the Royal Marsden Hospital. (Eur J Cancer, 1992)

Menachem A; Levator scapulae syndrome: an anatomic-clinical study. (Bull Hosp Jt Dis, 1993 Spring)

Mirza N; Influence of age on the ‘nasal cycle’. (Laryngoscope, 1997 Jan)

O’Reilly D; Measurement of cold challenge responses in primary Raynaud’s phenomenon and Raynaud’s phenomenon associated with systemic sclerosis. (Ann Rheum Dis, 1992 Nov)

Park ES; Comparison of sympathetic skin response and digital infrared thermographic imaging in peripheral neuropathy. (Yonsei Med J, 1994 Dec)

Pawl RP; Thermography in the diagnosis of low back pain. (Neurosurg Clin N Am, 1991 Oct)

Pierart J; Use of thermography in the differential diagnosis of phylloides tumour. (Br J Surg, 1990 Jul)

Ping Z; Correlation study on infrared thermography and nerve root signs in lumbar intervertebral disk herniation patient: a short report [published erratum appears in J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1993 Oct;16(8):560] (J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 1993 Mar-Apr)

Plaugher G; Skin temperature assessment for neuromusculoskeletal abnormalities of the spinal column. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 1992 Jul-Aug)

Ramlau C; Combination of thermographic and ultrasound methods for the diagnosis of female breast cancer. (Eur J Gynaecol Oncol, 1993)

Seifalian AM; Comparison of laser Doppler perfusion imaging, laser Doppler flowmetry, and thermographic imaging for assessment of blood flow in human skin. (Eur J Vasc Surg, 1994 Jan)

Seppey M; Facial thermography during nasal provocation tests with histamine and allergen. (Allergy, 1993 Jul)

Sheinberg M; Application of telethermography in the evaluation of preterm premature rupture of the fetal membranes. (Biomed Instrum Technol, 1996 Nov-Dec)

Shetty V; Thermographic assessment of reversible inferior alveolar nerve deficit. (J Orofac Pain, 1994 Fall)

Sterns EE; Thermography as a predictor of prognosis in cancer of the breast. (Cancer, 1991 Mar 15)

Sterns EE; Thermography. Its relation to pathologic characteristics, vascularity, proliferation rate, and survival of patients with invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. (Cancer, 1996 Apr 1)

Sterns EE; Vascularity demonstrated by Doppler ultrasound and immunohistochemistry in invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. (Breast Cancer Res Treat, 1996)

Strong WE; Does the sympathetic block outlast sensory block: a thermographic evaluation. (Pain, 1991 Aug)

Sucher BM; Thoracic outlet syndrome–a myofascial variant: Part 1. Pathology and diagnosis. (J Am Osteopath Assoc, 1990 Aug)

Takahashi Y; Thermal deficit in lumbar radiculopathy. Correlations with pain and neurologic signs and its value for assessing symptomatic severity. (Spine, 1994 Nov 1)

Tchou S; Thermographic observations in unilateral carpal tunnel syndrome: report of 61 cases. (J Hand Surg [Am], 1992 Jul)

Thomas D; Computerised infrared thermography and isotopic bone scanning in tennis elbow. (Ann Rheum Dis, 1992 Jan)

Thomas D; Infrared thermographic imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, CT scan and myelography in low back pain. (Br J Rheumatol, 1990 Aug)

Thomas D; Somatic sympathetic vasomotor changes documented by medical thermographic imaging during acupuncture analgesia. (Clin Rheumatol, 1992 Mar)

Ulmer HU; Thermography in the follow-up of breast cancer patients after breast-conserving treatment by tumorectomy and radiation therapy. (Cancer, 1990 Jun 15)

Vecchio PC; Thermography of frozen shoulder and rotator cuff tendinitis. (Clin Rheumatol, 1992 Sep)

Verdugo RJ; Use and misuse of conventional electrodiagnosis, quantitative sensory testing, thermography, and nerve blocks in the evaluation of painful neuropathic syndromes. (Muscle Nerve, 1993 Oct)

Vujci M; Thermography in the detection and follow up of chondromalacia patellae. (Ann Rheum Dis, 1991 Dec)

Weinstein SA; Facial thermography, basis, protocol, and clinical value. (Cranio, 1991 Jul)

Weinstein SA; Thermophysiologic anthropometry of the face in Homo sapiens. (Cranio, 1990 Jul)

Williams KL; Thermography in screening for breast cancer. (J Epidemiol Community Health, 1990 Jun)

Winsor D; Comparison of various noninvasive techniques for evaluating deep venous thrombosis. (Angiology, 1991 Oct)

Yang WJ; Literature survey on biomedical applications of thermography. (Biomed Mater Eng, 1992 Spring)

Zhang D; Clinical observations on acupuncture treatment of peripheral facial paralysis aided by infra-red thermography–a preliminary report. (J Tradit Chin Med, 1991 Jun)

Zhang D; Research on the acupuncture principles and meridian phenomena by means of infrared thermography. (Chen Tzu Yen Chiu, 1990)